Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Proud to be an Indian - Happy Independance Day!

My friend Sudhakar from Singapore has forwarded me these pictures. I thought I will share these with you.


Aug. 15, 1947: Mountbatten swears Nehru in as Prime Minister of India

TRAIN TO PAKISTAN; India 1947. Trains packed with refugees - Hindus and Sikhs headed for India, and Muslims headed for Pakistan - were convenient targets for gangs of killers on both sides of the border. Inadequately protected 'Refugee Specials' were typically stopped, and the occupants butchered, several times in the course of the journey.

The dead - Punjab, 1947

1971: Indira Gandhi reviews the troops, in the context of military and diplomatic preparations for the Bangladesh War.

Ghandhiji Addressing people

Nehru and Gandhi at AICC meeting, July 1946

Mountbatten arrives at Delhi airport; received by Nehru and Liaquat Ali. March 25, 1947

1948: The news of Gandhi's assassination hits the streets. A stunned crowd gathers in Calcutta.

1948: Crowds in New Delhi wait for a glimpse of Gandhi's funeral procession.

A Library being divided at the time of partition. Heart trembles to see this sight and it is tough to imagine the state of the nation at the moment when people needed to hold hands.

This is our 60th Independence Day!
Freedom is not a Right but a Feeling!
Let's be proud to feel the Freedom!
Let's say loud we are INDIANS!!!
Let all of us get to-gather &
Let's Celebrate Our Freedom!

It is our duty to preserve this Freedom!
Carry this forward to the future!
We did, We do, We will do!!!

Set the celebration on Air, Share your Joy, You're Free to do it, Send this to every Indian, to say

Vande Mataram!

PS: Friends, I lost my Camera when we had gone to Virginia Tech's Alumni picnic. That is the reason for not posting any recipes, hopefully I will find it soon and start posting recipes again.


  1. beautiful post latha... the last pic is really heartwrenching.
    sorry to know that u lost ur cam. hope u find it soon and start blogging. happy I-day sweetie:)

  2. Hey Sia,

    I was still editing the page and I found this comment already.

    I know, the pictures made me cry but I have realised last week what freedom actually is!

    Happy I-day Honey!

  3. Lata, excellent collection of photos.Great to see them. What a silly decision to divide the country in to two! We would have fought for a while and settled down as we usually do!!Unnecessary!
    Happy 60th I day to you too:)

  4. Thanks Asha. I feel the same too. I lived in muslim community in Hyd and we never fought for anything!

    Happy I-day!

  5. Nice post Lata....Nice photos :-)
    So you too are from Hyderabad...Great dear :-)
    Its a nice space u have got :-)

  6. Wish you a very Happy Independence day!

  7. A very well written post Latha. A very happy independence day to you too.

  8. Hi Latha,
    it's my first time here.You have a very nice blog with some good recipes & I will be back later to check out some of them.
    Happy I-Day to you too!

  9. Hey Sirisha,

    Yes, I am a hyderabadi too.

    Richa and Shilpa,

    Thanks for the comments

  10. Happy Independence Day to u too!
    Wonderful post!!

  11. very beautiful pictures Latha, wish you a very happy independence day

  12. so sorry to hear about your camera. hope you find it soon. happy independence day to you.

  13. Excellent pics, heartwrenching though Lata, happy I day!

  14. wonderful post latha !
    happy Independence day ! thaks for a informative post.I believe India would have been far better if we never patitioned it.atleast that way kashmir could be undevided and no fight for that would have been. sometiems i really feel miserable thinking about that.
    well, thanks agian for the nice post.
    keep it up.

  15. Happy I-day to you sweetie! Thanks for your wishes!

  16. Thanks Lata for the grest pictures of noble souls.

    It was great to see the great leaders of India. And the song was great.

  17. Hey Lata, I just hopped over to your blog after I saw your comment on mine. That's a terrific patriotic and musical post you have here. The pics are great.

  18. The are some poignant and powerful images there Lata. Happy Independence.

  19. TBC,

    I visited your site too, it is wonderful and the salad looks great.


    I believe the same too, Partition should not have taken place in the first place. All problems in India are because of that.

    Manasi, Sharmi, Bee, Dee, Meeta, Kumudha, Anupama, Cynthia for the comments

  20. Lovely post Lata. :) Hope you find your cam soon!

  21. thanks for sharing. great pics

  22. Oh!! great!! Where did you get these old photographs? Did nasdaq really display our flag?

    Nice post.Me too hyderadi as I did most of my schooling in hyd. Studied in St Francis and Women's college way back in seventies.

  23. Thanks Coffee, Saju and Latha.

    Oh I know St. Francis, I had couple of friends from that college and I know Women's College too...too happy to know a hyderbadi with the same name as me.

  24. Hapy I-Day and Jai Hind!

    Very nice collection for post with information.......Great work.:)

  25. Excellent collection latha. Nice read

  26. Sorry to hear about your cam.
    Wish to see you posting recipes soon.

  27. Hey Lata, nice post. The pics are really heart wrenching. I was wondering where you disappeared all of a sudden. Hope you find your camera soon.
