Friday, December 21, 2007

Beerakaya/Ridge Gourd Rice

Since I love Ridge gourd, I keep trying different ways to make dishes with this wonderful vegetable and each time I make something different, my love for it increases more and more. This is so versatile and goes with anything or everything anytime. This dish too, surprisingly turned out very tasty but eat it when it is hot to enjoy the right taste. Add a bit of ghee for that extra taste, but beware of extra calories too!

1 ridge gourd, peeled and cut into small pieces
1 cup cooked rice
1 onion, cut length-wise
3 tbsp sesame seeds
3-4 dried red chillies
3 green chillies, cut into small pieces
few curry leaves
1/2 tsp turmeric
salt to taste
3 tbsp oil
few cashews
coriander leaves for garnishing

  1. Fry sesame seeds and red chillies without adding any oil until golden brown. Cool them and grind to powder.
  2. Heat oil in a pan, add onion, green chillies, curry leaves and fry until onions turn brown.
  3. Add ridge gourd, salt, turmeric and cook on low flame until ridge gourd pieces turn soft.
  4. Add rice and the sesame, red chilli grounded powder.
  5. Garnish with coriander leaves and friend cashews.

Serve hot with plain yogurt or raita.

Alternately: Without adding rice, you can use the same thing as curry and eat with Chapatis.


  1. Hi Latha.. good to see your smiling face again. :)
    I didn't like ridgegourd as a kid but I have a feeling that I'll like it now. Need to buy and try out a few recipes. Never had a mixed rice with this.. looks good.

  2. Love the photo, looks delicious Lata. Happy holidays and happy new year. See you next year!:))

  3. rice with beerakaya wowwww new and yummy recipe latha

  4. Laavanya,

    I think you should try ridgegourd you will love it.

    Happy Holidays to you too, Asha. Are you going somewhere for holidays?

    Thanks Sagari, your blog looks great with all christmas cookies.

  5. Lata..that nice...and good to see you blogging again!

  6. Never tried ridge gourd as the base for a rice dish, sounds like a good idea!

  7. we wish you a wonderful 2008, dear lata.

  8. I like this pic how the rice reflects making it look like a ball :)

    Happy Holidays to you and the family.

  9. hey Latha, that looks really pretty! I never tried somethign like thi with ridgegourd before...

    btw, I love your header:) very vibrant:) Hope you are enjojyign your holidays girl!!
