Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hats Off to Obama

His Charisma made him a President today.

It is indeed a historic moment for all of America. Very first African American to win the presidency. Isn't it amazing? Ravi and I were sititng infront of the TV the whole night to see the updates and could not be much happier than this.

I never paid attention to any political news before, but somehow was following this presidential campaign and when the D-day was coming near, I got more into it and I am very excited today.

Somehow somewhere change was needed and Obama is the change America is looking for. He surpassed all hurdles and crossed all racial barriers and got a name for himself. His name is now etched in history and he will be remembered forever. He has become the role model not just for African Americans but to all those others who think that they are low.

A great day in history!!

All the luck Obama!! for the new endeavor.

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