Monday, June 4, 2007

My Buddy Ravi Kiran (Sun Ray as he called himself)....

passed away on May 27th at around 5.30 pm. He got drowned in the Okracoke Island waters and the Doctors mentioned that he died on the spot. We found his body on the shore on Mon at around 5.30 pm. I don't know why he liked this Island so much out of all in the Outerbanks, I don't know if he liked the sea or the sea liked him....

I mentioned his name twice in the blogs-when I blogged two protein dishes for him. He was a person with optimistic view on life and enjoyed his life to the fullest. He was even planning his wedding in December. This was heart breaking news to me and to my all other friends. He is still on his way to India and hopefully reach in a couple of hours for the final ceremory.

He was the person behind my wedding (he made my husband's parents agree to the wedding) and I was getting ready to go to India for his wedding. He always lifted everyone when they were down, he is kind of a perfect friend anybody would like to have. He is a kind of a person who brings the best in you. And now he is gone......

I plan to take off for another week from blogging and I know he will not like it if I stop writing. There is no such friend like him in this world and I hope his soul rests in peace.


  1. this must be heartbreaking. please accept my condolences, lata.

  2. Lata, my heartfelt condolences.

  3. My prayers are with him and his loved ones.

    Take care, Lata


  4. loss of a friend at such a young age, must be truly devastating! my heartfelt condolences.

  5. OMG!! My condolences to you and his family Lata.We were in Okracoke last Dec!He looks like Sun Ray Lata!!!Sometimes life is so unfair.Take it easy,hugs to you from me.

  6. So sorry to hear about your loss, Lata.

    My deepest condolences are with you and your friend's family.

  7. I am very sorry for your loss lata. It was quite shocking to even read yr post. Be strong!

  8. latha
    I am so sorry to hear this.
    Good friends, best friends close friends are rare and if we have they are with us forever what may come.
    My deepest condolences and do take care please

  9. My heartfelt condolences,lata

  10. Dear Lata, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. it so heartbreaking. though we know our bloggers only through internet and who are miles away I dont understand why it hurts when something happens to somebody we dont even know. please accept my condolences.

  11. Hi lata,
    This is the second time I am visiting in one day. I don't know what to say to u. It's very sad to loose a friend and a son in the family. I know how u are feeling, I lost my niece too at 3yrs of age. I felt my mind just went in to blank and so many unanswered questions. In the end thought one day
    our time will come too. It has taught me, life is so precious enjoy every moment just like Ravi.

    with hugs

  12. So sorry to hear that Lata. I have another friend of mine who had a similar experience with a close friend of hers. Its such a unexpected shock to lose a young person like this. Hope you feel better with time. This was a nice way to remember him.


  13. my heartfelt condolences to you and your family and friends. it is heartbreaking to loose a friend, my prayers are with him and all the loved ones... take care....

  14. Lata,
    Accidents like these leave us shocked for life. Hope you and Ravi's family get the strength to bear his loss..My heartfelt condolences!

  15. Lata..That's very sad.may God give you and your friend's family the strength to go through this difficult time.take care

  16. girl, u have to be brave for ravi and his family... my thoughts and prayers are with u and his family n friends! i know how u must be feeling at this moment as i too lost one of my close friends few months back. life is very unpredictible but we have to face it bravely. i know u r a strong person and u will not let down ur friend. a tight hugs to u girl...

  17. Lata, my heart goes out to you and your family. My condolences.

  18. May his soul rest in peace Lata. It is sometimes hard to believe why God takes good people soon. Viji

  19. Lata,true friends are so rare in this world and if one is lucky enough to find one, to lose thatb person must be really heartfelt condolences to you and his family...cherish his memories and that will give you the strength to move on...hugs to you...

  20. My Condolences..Dear I am first time here and got a very sad news..But I can feel ur true frienship..My prayers are with him and his loved ones...
    Take Care

  21. My deepest condolences. May god rest his soul in peace.

  22. Hi Lata,
    Really sad to read about your friend. Please accept my heartfelt condolences. My prayers for his family.

  23. this is so very sad lata heartful of condolences ...May his soul rest in peace

  24. OMG! My condolences to u...Its very sad to read this...Take care..

  25. Hi Lata...

    My prayers are with him...He seems to be very young...OMG!!i was thinking of his parents....when they expect a son for wedding with smiling face..instead if he comes in this way:(((...

  26. hope you're doing ok. just wanted to check in with you.


  27. please accept my sincere condolences on this loss.....may the Lord grant him rest and peace and comfort for those who mourn his loss

  28. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, as well as surely, his family's and fiancée's. I wouldn't have been able to pull myself together to write such a touching post if someone this close to me passed on as suddenly...

  29. This is very impractical news, but every thing is not in our hand. My heartfelt condolences. Take Care,Lata.

  30. May his soul rest in peace and hope god gives a lot of strength to his family and friends

  31. Not sure if this is still a monitored blog but I figured I throw this out there. I acquired a piece of fitness equipment that appears to be a memorial. Has a placard "In Loving Memory Ravi Kiran" for 2007. This could be a long shot but if someone donated in Ravi's memory and wants the placard back, I'll mail it to them.

    1. That would be awesome , his family would appreciate it .Will let them know
