Thursday, January 3, 2008

Strawberry Shrikhand

I got a big bag of strawberries from farmer's market and didn't realise that they were turning bad. And then I decided to make whatever I can from Strawberries, like Shrikhand and a Shake. I still have some left, let's see what other things I can make from them. Was thinking of making Pancakes this morning but somehow didn't find much time as I had prepare something for lunch at the same time.

Recipe is exactly the same as the regular shrikhand except you will add strawberry pulp to yogurt. This is the first time I tasted Shrikhand with Strawberry and the taste was tangy.

2 cups of non-yogurt
5 fresh strawberries
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp honey
1/2 cardammon powder
few crushed dry fruits for garnish

  1. Hang yogurt in a muslin cloth for 3-4 hours or until the liquid drains out.
  2. Make pulp from strawberries.
  3. Whisk together yogurt, strawberries, sugar, honey and cardammon.
  4. Garnish with crushed dry fruits.

Serve cold with puris.


  1. OOH! Strawberry Shrikhand looks and sounds delicious, I might try that when I get the berries.Love the bowl!:)

  2. Thanks Asha. I got the bowl from Pier1.

  3. Luks wonderful!and so innovative..I have some in my fridge waiting to be used..Will give this one a try :)

  4. Dhivya,

    Do try, I am sure you will like it.

  5. Yummm!!! I love shrikhand with its variations!!! honey is a new addition...

  6. Thanks Manasi, I am seeing you after a long time. Yeah, that honey thing I read somewhere sometime back. That when added to Shrikhand gives rich taste, it didn't make any difference to me though.

  7. Wishing you a happy new year, Lata.

  8. Shrikhand with puri, I have seen the combo in other blogs too... I have no idea what it will taste like :) Guess I will just have the shrikhand... :)

  9. Its a great idea to make Shrikhand with strawberries! and def. healthy too..:)

  10. yummm...and want to have bowl of shrikhand now. slurr...p is all I can say!! Congratulations !! for that special news ;)
