Saturday, February 24, 2007

Quesadilla with Spinach Tortilla

I am a die-hard fan of Mexican food and a die-hard fan of Fajitas and Quesadillas. Since my brother came, I am making different cuisines during his weekend visits and good thing is he liked these so much that he asked me to teach him the recipe (Otherwise, he likes to eat only rice and dal everyday and with every meal). I made this for our Saturday lunch.

And these are done in just 10 mins if you have things handy.

Spinach Tortillas
Canned Vegetarian mashed Beans
Taco seasoning Cheese (Corby and Monterrey Jack cheese)
Any vegetables chopped and cooked lightly in oil (ex: black Olives, Jalapenos, bell peppers, mushrooms) (optional)
Butter (optional)

  1. Heat the pan, apply butter, and lay the tortilla flat on the pan.
  2. Add beans mixed with veggies and taco seasoning on half of the tortilla.
  3. Sprinkle cheese on top of the beans generously and fold the tortilla in a semi-circular shape. Press hard from top and turn the tortilla to cook it on the other side, don’t cook too much since the tortilla is already cooked.
  4. Remove it from pan when done. Serve it with Salsa and Sour Cream.

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