Thursday, March 15, 2007

Palak Rava Cheela

I went home early and wanted to make something nice for the dinner. I have searched various blogs, the cookbooks at home and stood near the refrigerator looking at the vegetables for long but I didn’t feel like eating any of them. And we both were not in a mood to eat heavy food because of the heavy lunch we had, rice and drumsticks sambhar.

I was looking to make food that is something light and easy on stomach. And I had one more issue on mind that whatever I make I should be able to take that for next day’s lunch instead of cooking two different items. And I am working on 8 am shift these days, so it is not possible to cook in the morning. After an hour of thinking, browsing, struggling on what to cook, I ended up making this pakal rava cheela. I decided to make rava cheela in the beginning but added spinach to it at the end. These days I am adding spinach in almost all the dishes, even in chole and aloo mutter.

1 cup rava
1 cup palak/spinach
4 Tbsp besan
1 small onion
2 green chillies
½ inch ginger
1 Tbsp yogurt
1tbsp ajwayan (oregano seeds)
Few springs of coriander
Curry leaves (optional)
Salt to taste
Water (about a cup)

  1. Chop palak, onion, green chillies, ginger, coriander, curry leaves and keep aside.
  2. Add besan and salt to rava and mix all together.
  3. Add yogurt and water to step2 to make a smooth batter.
  4. Add chopped veggies from step 1 to the batter. Add ajwayan.
  5. Heat a pan and season it with a little oil (just like you do for Dosas).
  6. Put some batter on the pan and spread in the shape of a circle. Spray oil on the sides for crispiness (you can avoid this if you are conscious about fat).
  7. Cook on both sides until light brown.
  8. Remove and serve with ketchup or coconut chutney.

The outcome was better than expected; the taste of palak was completely different with this dish. You can even puree palak before adding to the batter for uniform taste.


  1. This one is quite simple I can try it out sometime at home ...and looks yummy too ...

  2. Hey Sri,

    Do try and let me know if you liked it or not.
    Btw, I am not at work today.
