Sunday, April 29, 2007


If you want real authentic recipe with correct quantities, please refer to the recipe here

I made Badusha many many times and each time it turned out different, I don’t know why. May be the quality of maida or yogurt made them different. I learnt little from each experiment and I used that experience today while making this Badusha. Seriously speaking, I have not measured oil and yogurt in this recipe. And the Badusha has turned out really well. Ravi and Naveen loved those instantly and we finished all at one go.

What I did was, I took 2 cups of maida, added little salt to it, a spoon of baking powder and 1/6th cup of rice flour and mixed them thoroughly (usually people sieve the whole thing together). I kept on adding oil instead of ghee (as I ran out of ghee) until the mixture became like breadcrumbs. Then I kept adding yogurt until the mixture looked like layers and made that into a ball. Do not put water. These are the ground rules for making badusha. Oil/ghee and yogurt form an important part of the recipe. Then covered it with a wet cloth for half an hour. Made small balls out of the dough and pressed in the center. Made thin sugar syrup on the side. Deep fried the balls and soaked in sugar syrup for 15 mins. Took them out and left them aside for an hour.

You can store them for more than a month in a refrigerator. Heat those for 10 sec before eating.


  1. Hay it looks YUM! YUM! YUM!......I love it.

  2. Thanks! I am going to post the recipe soon.

  3. where is the recipe girl??????????? its been ages since i had this...

  4. posting it in an hour Sia. Sorry! it just went off my mind.

  5. hey latha,
    very fabulous! i love this sweet last time i tried also from the same place the results were very good. Thanks for reminding the badushah looks perfect.
    well latha do you cook on slow fire or high flame once i remember i had a problem the inside was still raw i do not remember why was it so?

  6. Hey Roopa,

    You should slow cook that, it works. Lot of recipes tell us to soak for 5 mins and remove. But, I soaked for a long time to get that real taste and it worked.
